Ryan Hawks

Ryan Hawks with his lionfish catch of the day

Title: Recreational diver

Association, Company, Affiliations: Ocean Strike Team

Location: Pensacola, Florida

Your favorite quote: If you ever find yourself in a fair fight you haven’t done your homework!

Your message or mission statement: No lionfish left behind!

Your latest endeavors and where they take place: I dive and hunt lionfish throughout the year with my family. In addition to participating in the FWC Lionfish Challenge every year, I enjoy traveling to different destinations to hunt and make new friends. I compete in multiple lionfish hunting tournaments with my family each season. I also enjoy teaching the community lionfish awareness and how to support our efforts to protect our reefs and fisheries from the lionfish invasion.

What efforts are you most proud of? 1. Breaking the record for the largest lionfish harvested during the 2023 Emerald Coast Open
2. Watching my 15 year old daughter out-hunt all the other divers on the boat

Ryan Hawks holding a lionfish on a spear
Ryan and Kami Hawks holding a lionfish
Ryan Hawks scuba diving

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