Lionfish Videos

Lionfish Videos2023-03-10T12:08:58-05:00

Lionfish Videos

  • Roger Muller and the Banana Man in Roatan, Honduras

Lionfish Hunting Roatan, Honduras

Roger J. Muller, Jr. is lionfish hunting in Roatan, Honduras. He also met some interesting people and visited some interesting places along the way.

  • Lionfish on boat

Lionfish Stings

Lionfish can be dangerous to encounter with their venomous spines, which can lead to severe pain, blistering and even paralysis.

  • Roger J. Muller, Jr. with lionfish kill

Lionfish Videos by Friends

Lionfish populations are reaching a critical level. It takes many people to help eradicate this invasive species and help restore the natural order in the North American marine ecosystem.

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