Jamie Doeren
Title: Owner, Renegade carving company
Location: Abrams, Wisconsin
Your favorite quote: Don’t take life so seriously, it only temporary!!!!!
Your message or mission statement: Pick up your garbage, if it wasn’t for people the ecosystem would be in perfect balance.
Your latest endeavors and where they take place: My latest obsession is scuba and Lionfish hunting.
What efforts are you most proud of? I got my Dive master at 53 years of age and now working on my Captains license. Never thought I would be doing that at this stage of life but I’m definitely living my best life.
Anything else you’d like us to know? The photos are from New Year’s Eve in Pensacola with captain Andy. One of my wife’s favorite boat dives so far. I got three lionfish that day, probably could have gotten more. Was a beautiful end to the year and a great way to start the next. Happy lionfish hunting!!!!