b'An interview with Walt Deelman, creator of Lionator Pole SpearsLFD.com: Can you tell everyone how you became interested in the subject of lionfish?Deelman: So, for myself the interest began about 8 years ago as I sought to travel to warmer places in the winter and I chose Panama as my place of interest to begin with.LFD.com: Were you already scuba diving at this time?Deelman: As I searched for places to visit and things to do there, I decided to get back into diving after nearly 30 years. However, the main topic online seemed to be about these invasive lionfish (which I honestly knew nothing about!). LFD.com: What equipment did you bring with you the first time you hunted lionfish?Deelman: I bought a heavy yellow fiberglass pole spear here on Vancouver Islandfrom a local dive shop and a heavy barbless three tine tip that they had hanging onthe wall. (It was just steel and rusted terribly during this trip!)LFD.com: Did other divers have similar gear?Deelman: Once I arrived in Panama, I began joining snorkeling groups on day tripsprovided by the locals . (Bocas Town mostly), and it was interesting thatall the boat captains and snorkeling guides expressed serious interest inbuying the crappy spear I had brought with me!! No! I just bought it! I would say. Of course, I soon realized that these fishers wanted to hunt and control theproblematic lionfish, but that this equipment was too pricey for most of themdown there (as with most Caribbean countries I have visited since).LFD.com: When did the lightbulb go off realizing that you could fulfill this need?Deelman: Once back home, I thought that I should see if I could come up withsomething useful and more affordable for these folks. Played around with some different materials and sizing and eventually we(daughter Jayleen and I) are now proudly making a lightweight and nicely balancedlionfish specific spear that is getting great reviews and doesnt cost a lot!34'