b'DOS AND DONTS OF LIONFISH MANAGEMENTALLOW HARVEST VIA SCUBA AND POLE SPEARSNoncompliance can beENCOURAGE PROMOTE LIONFISH mitigated by gear useRECREATIONAL TOURNAMENTSHUNTING TOURISM restrictions and workingDerbies provide a participatory Helps support dive operators andwith stakeholder groups.approach to conduct removals, tourism; divers need training andresearch, and public education.proper equipment.ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATORY This work is a result of a global collaboration DOS AND DONTS OFMANAGEMENT ENCOURAGEof 25 researchers from Europe, Asia, Africa, LIONFISH MANAGEMENTengagement can COMMERCIAL MARKETS StakeholderNorth America, and the Caribbean, includingsupport removals, market Develop market-based solutions co-founders of Lionfish University Jim Hart andbuilding, and strategic planning.to control lionfish densities and Stacy Frank as well as Lionfish University volunteer diversify fishers catches. scientists, Dr. Steve Gittings, Dr. Holden Harris, ALLOW HARVEST VIA SCUBA AND POLE SPEARSDr. Aylin Ulman, Dr. Stephanie Green and Alex Fogg. Noncompliance can beENCOURAGE PROMOTE LIONFISH mitigated by gear use restrictions and workingRECREATIONAL TOURNAMENTSInvasive lionfish control will require multinationalCOORDINATE REGIONALDerbies provide a participatory HUNTING TOURISM with stakeholder groups. coordination among governments and stakeholders. Helps support dive operators andapproach to conduct removals, MANAGEMENT research, and public education.DONT RELY ONtourism; divers need training and proper equipment. al invasions requireForeword by Fadilah Ali: one of the scientists whoBiologicBOUNTY PROGRAMS rapid and strategic managementFunds can be quickly worked tirelessly to bring this information to shareapproaches with multinational exhausted. Sustainable with the scientists just starting to grapple with thecooperation.control is better problem in the Mediterranean.achieved by improvingENCOURAGE PARTICIPATORY education, stakeholderENCOURAGE MANAGEMENT DONT TRAIN NATIVE PREDATORSFeeding speared lionfish toStakeholder engagement can engagement, andCOMMERCIAL MARKETS support removals, market lionfish fisheries. Develop market-based solutionsbuilding, and strategic planning.Lessons from the Western Atlantic predators results in aggressive to control lionfish densities and behavior by them towards divers.Lionfish Invasion to Inform diversify fishers catches. Management in the Mediterranean COORDINATE REGIONAL DONT RELY ONMANAGEMENTBiological invasions requireUlman, Ali, Harris, et al. (2022), BOUNTY PROGRAMS rapid and strategic management Lessons from the Western Atlantic Lionfish Invasion to Inform Management in the Mediterranean Funds can be quickly Frontiers in Marine Science approaches with multinational Ulman, Ali, Harris et al. (2022), Frontiers in Marine Science exhausted. Sustainablecooperation.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.865162 control is better doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.865162 achieved by improving education, stakeholderDONT TRAIN NATIVE PREDATORSengagement, andFeeding speared lionfish to lionfish fisheries. predators results in aggressive behavior by them towards divers.Lessons from the Western Atlantic Lionfish Invasion to Inform Management in the Mediterranean25Ulman, Ali, Harris et al. (2022), Frontiers in Marine Sciencedoi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.865162'