b'among stakeholders to support strategies that have worked to help control invasive lionfi sh on the western side of theworld. Little did we imagine when we started fi ghting the Caribbean invasion over a decade ago that lionfi sh would end up invading the Mediterranean. There will be many more plot twists in the course of the two lionfi sh invasions that brought Eastern sand Western scientists together to help solve one of the worst marine invasions in history. Stay tuned. To be continued. Jim Hart is a screenwriter with numerous writing and producing credits including Hook!, Bram Stokers Dracula, Contact, August Rush, Epic, Hot Zone, Crossbones and others. While working on a lionfi sh thriller screenplay he became interested in the geo-political impact that lionfi sh are having on reef systems and people in the small island nations of the Caribbean. Hart lives in NYC when he is not diving.Stacy Frank has been an avid diver since 1973, and she lives to dive. She has a masters degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and lives in Asheville, NC with her husband Dr. Barry Frank. It became clear during research for a lionfi sh thriller screenplay that ourCaribbean reefs are being threatened by many factors, including the invasive Indo-Pacifi c lionfi sh, and that now is the time to face the nemesis.Contact information: L to R: Jim Hart (director), Dr. Aylin Ulman, Dr. Steve Gittings (interviewer),www.lionfi shuniversity.comAlex Fogg and Alan Carmona (camera).Lionfi shU@gmail.comPhoto by Stacy Frank 47'