b'The foundation is currently made up of 35 local hunter volunteers. Support has come from government entities, private companies and individuals who share a love for the ocean. With so much love, protecting the reef doesnt stop at lionfi sh hunting. CLA volunteers go the extra mile by cleaning the ocean of plastics, fi shing lines and other pollution during their hunts. Members along with friends and family also participate in beach and underwater clean-ups.Lionfi sh must be hunted one at a time since they are not often free-swimming,making them much more labor intensive to hunt. Hunting is limited by accessibility, weather conditions, experience and of course knowledge of spots. In Aruba, a certifi cate for hunting lionfi sh is not required by local law, however, CLA feels its in the best interest of the reefs to create opportunity for local divers to gain proper experience by diving with skilled hunters. In this way Hunter Tom at Boca Catalina they are able to hunt eff ectively in a reef conscious manner.There is increased support from local fi shermen as well as from local dive shops that have partnered with CLA to help and ensure volunteers are certifi ed, properly trained and well equipped to safely hunt from almost any place on Arubas shores. Two dive shops have supported CLA from the very beginning: Pure Diving Aruba and Aqua Windies Aruba. They both provide CLA with discounts on air, training, and boat dives. The expertise from the owners has greatly benefi ted the foundation by routinely providing sound advice related to dive-safety concerns. Fishermen and local charters help us reach the more remote dive sites which commercial charters and tourists do not normally go, as well as sites that are impossible to reach from shore.'